互联网最佳流行文化 sobadsogood.com 详细资料

互联网最佳流行文化 sobadsogood.com

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互联网Zhui佳流行文化是一个涵盖了娱乐、音乐、搞笑、设计、摄影和科技的博客网站,为用户收集整理互联网中Zhui独特的新闻资源,与其大众化,不如个性化。网站是由澳大利亚的Alex Wain 于2011年创办,他人为互联网中的流行文化每天都在更新,那么就来展示一下互联网中Zhui好的好Zhui差的事件吧,于是他就开始了分享互联网中每一天里发生的Zhui有趣的事件,摄影、动画、雕塑、插画艺术、街头艺术、纪录片、文学等等,凡是他认为不错的都会收录进来,并加上自己独特的见解。Firstly we wanted to say thanks for checking out the site, we hope you’re enjoying it.I’m Alex Wain, along with Daniel Reyes we’re the creators of So Bad So Good which we founded in 2011. We both live in Sydney, Australia and we’re absolutely mad about our football, all things digital & creating content you’ll enjoy.So Bad So Good aims to showcase the very best and worst of the web. We hunt down the most interesting pop culture trends of the day, so you don’t have to. We’re passionate about bringing you articles that cover a vast range of genres, individuals and mediums because we believe there’s more to life than Reality TV & reading about what your friends are eating on Facebook.Our posts cover design, photography, animation, sculpture, illustrations, street art, documentaries andliterature right through to the weird, wonderful and infinitely shareable. Our focus is to act as a creative hub, where you can be inspired, amused and entertained every day.To date we’ve been featured on Huffington Post’s 7 Sites You Should Be Wasting Your Time On, Sydney Morning Herald’s Top 10 Websites To Get You Talking as well as mentioned in The Washington Po


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1  United States(21.7%)
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3  Germany(6.2%)
4  Romania(4.4%)
5  Italy(4.2%)

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