商业包装设计资源分享网 thedieline.com 详细资料

商业包装设计资源分享网 thedieline.com

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商业包装设计资源分享网是一个有关于包装设计分享的博客网站,为设计师们提供丰富的产品包装案例欣赏和包装设计评论,分享世界级的经典包装设计趋势和设计灵感。包装是品牌理念、产品特性、消费心理的综合反映,它直接影响到消费者的购买欲。我们深信,包装是建立产品与消费者亲和力的有力手段。经济全球化的今天,包装与商品已融为一体。包装作为实现商品价值和使用价值的手段,在生产、流通、销售和消费领域中,发挥着极其重要的作用,是企业界、设计不得不关注的重要课题。包装的功能是保护商品、传达商品信息、方便使用、方便运输、促进销售、提高产品附加值。包装作为一门综合性学科,具有商品和艺术相结合的双重性。仅凭书面上对包装设计的理解是远远不够的,产品包装设计源自于对生活的体验和感悟,一个出色的产品包装设计师大多是热爱生活,享受生活,从生活中的点点滴滴来凝聚出对每一个产品的细化体现。安德鲁·吉布斯是Dielines的创始人和主编,2007年成立的该网站。从加州艺术学院毕业后,他就开始反思和读解世界各地的Zhui好的包装设计,对每一款经典的包装设计进行批判和理解,所以就有了这个博客。Established in 2007 by Andrew Gibbs, The Dieline is dedicated to the progress of the package design industry and its practitioners, students and enthusiasts. Its purpose is to define and promote the world's best packaging design, and provide a place where the package design community can review, critique and stay informed of the latest industry trends and design projects being created in the field. From that point on, The Dieline has become the most visited website on package design in the world, with readership spanning millions across hundreds of countries.2010 saw the debut of The Dieline's first package design book titled, Box, Bottle, Bag, which quickly became the #1 selling and highest rated package design book on Amazon. Also launching that year were The Dieline Package Design Awards – a worldwide competition devoted exclusively to the art of brand packaging. Since then, The Dieline and F+W Media have formed a partnership to deliver two world-class confer


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1  United States(22.4%)
2  China(10.9%)
3  India(10.6%)
4  United Kingdom(6.7%)
5  France(4.9%)

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网站常用标签 packaging design package design tea packaging coffee packaging dieline

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