加拿大科学世界文化馆 scienceworld.ca 详细资料

加拿大科学世界文化馆 scienceworld.ca

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加拿大科学世界文化馆是加拿大温哥华的一座非盈利性科学馆,成立于1977年,主场馆是一座球形建筑,也是其LOGO中字母“O”的外形,每年参观者约为65万人。地方不算太大,但是里边的展设和设施都非 常棒。周末的时候很多温哥华的家长都会 带着孩子来这里感受下科学的魅力。出口的 地方有发售纪念品的地方,大多数都时尚大 方,而且设计新颖。Science World British Columbia is a not-for-profit organization that engages British Columbians in science and inspires future science and technology leadership throughout our province.Science World begins extensive renovations to the building to repair the failed building envelope, expand the lobby, create additional gallery space, and ‘green’ the building. It also undergoes extensive community consultation for the creation of an outdoor science gallery and exhibition space to be known as the Ken Spencer Science Park, and hosts Dr. Gunther von Hagens’ world-famous BODY WORLDS & The Brain.


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1  Canada(56.9%)
2  United States(24.3%)

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