美食国度菜谱大全 cookscountry.com 详细资料

美食国度菜谱大全 cookscountry.com

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美食国度菜谱大全是美国著名菜谱出版社American Test Kitchen创办的基于家庭烹饪为主题的美食菜谱教学网站,主要介绍的都是传统的美式家庭烹饪,非常受主妇们的欢迎。喜欢作菜的人可能常常苦恼找不到好的食谱来大展身手。所有分享的菜谱都是经过了20、30次,甚至是40、50次的测试,知道达到完美效果后,美食编辑才敢把食谱刊登出来,让那么美食爱好者自己通过菜谱制作并评价每个菜谱的优缺点。Cook's Country绝对是一本汇集Zhui佳已失传的地道传统美食,这本主要汇集了美国各地区传统的简单家庭烹饪食谱,不需要很多材料和时间就可以做出营养的午餐。America's Test Kitchen is a real 2,500 square foot test kitchen located just outside of Boston that is home to more than three dozen full-time cooks and product testers. Our mission is simple: to develop the absolute best recipes for all of your favorite foods. To do this, we test each recipe 30, 40, sometimes as many as 70 times, until we arrive at the combination of ingredients, technique, temperature, cooking time, and equipment that yields the best, most-foolproof recipe.Our recipes, equipment ratings, taste test results, and kitchen tips are made available through our magazines, our Web sites, our television series; America's Test Kitchen, and our cookbooks.


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  United States(88.8%)
2  Canada(4.2%)

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