全民教育制作发布平台 pathwright.com 详细资料

全民教育制作发布平台 pathwright.com

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全民教育制作发布平台是一个任何人都可以制作教育资源并发布给用户使用的免费或者付费的教育课程,该平台提供简单实用的制作工具,帮助教育者和求学者拥有良好的沟通协作环境。平台提供良好的内置社交网络平台,帮助学生交换信息,获得教师的学分和反馈;用户可以使用视频、音频、图片、文字等多种方式来创建教学课程,并且可以把教育资源添加到YouTube、Scribd、Vimeo。Shipwrights build ships. Playwrights write plays. Pathwrights make paths. With Pathwright you can create learning paths that take students, employees, or anyone in the world to that next level of skill or knowledge.about "fixing" education. While the tech world focuses on new technology as a panacea, it’s easy to forget the core of what educators do that’s so amazing: educators create paths for others to follow, and they guide them along the way. This path making is both an art and a science. It’s an ancient and modern skill that requires ingenuity and tenacity — a craft in the truest sense of the word. New technology doesn’t change this essence, but most technical solutions ignore it.focuses first on helping all kinds of educators easily craft learning paths for their students to follow. While you’re at it, we want to help you make a living teaching what you love, as any craftsman should.


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1  United States(55.4%)
2  Canada(12.1%)
3  India(11.2%)
4  Malaysia(8.4%)

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