全球气象监测网 geometwatch.com 详细资料

全球气象监测网 geometwatch.com

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全球气象监测网是一家研究气象检测的科技公司,但它不是直接发射气象卫星,而是研发可寄宿在商业通信卫星上的气象监测传感仪,成为通信卫星的有效载荷。【白皮书】卫星会运行在地球同步轨道上,而 GeoMetWatch 会产出 6 个监测传感仪,2016 年时会发射第一颗。它会扫描并记录大气数据,然后传回给地面中心作分析,以此输出更为精准的气象预测。GeoMetWatch 会把气象数据售卖出去,主要目标顾客有两大类:第一大类是政府机构,他们需要更准确的气象和天气预报数据来做好灾害的预防工作;第二类则是对气象敏感的商业机构,比如农业、物流、保险等相关行业。GeoMetWatch sensors, built by the Utah State University Advanced Weather Systems Laboratory (AWS), are state-of-the-art, hyperspectral atmospheric sounders—the core technology behind the sensors was developed by the US Government at a cost of more than $400 million.GeoMetWatch will place six unique data-gathering sensors into geostationary orbit (22,236 miles above the equator) to collect atmospheric data. This data will then be conveyed to data centers around the world, where it will be processed and configured per customer specifications to provide severe weather forecast information.These highly sophisticated technologies will dramatically improve the accuracy and timeliness of severe weather forecasting, enabling the preservation of lives and property at a fraction of the cost of current methods. GeoMetWatch is the only entity possessing a US Department of Commerce Remote Atmospheric Sensing License to use this sophisticated technology. Once completed, GeoMetWatch will be the only provider of this highly-sophisticated weather prediction data in the world.GeoMetWatch will deploy these six sensors by renting space on standard communication satellites. Downloaded data


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网站常用标签 hyperspectral david crain dj geometwatch geo met

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