免费多语种论坛搜索引擎 omgili.com 详细资料

免费多语种论坛搜索引擎 omgili.com

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免费多语种论坛搜索引擎是一个提供搜索范围覆盖全球超过10万个论坛和线上讨论组的搜索引擎网站,它的独特之处在于面向“网络群体对话”的话题、标题和回复搜索,其中“群体”包括论坛,博客、新闻讨论组、视频分享网站、问答网站和点评网站等。的搜索结果绝大部分是非问答式的讨论、辩论、个人经历和民意调查等。因此,有人形容O mgili是“专门收集那些犄角旮旯里的东西”。Omgili is search engine for Forums and Boards. Find communities, message boards and discussion threads about any topic.Omgili (acronym for "Oh My God I Love It") is a vertical search engine that focuses on "many to many" user generated content platforms, such as, forums, discussion groups, answer boards and others.This crawler based, vertical search engine, scans millions of online discussions worldwide in over 100,000 boards and forums, and is able to differentiate between discussion entities, such as, title, topic, answer and post date.Users can use Omgili to find consumer opinions, debates, discussions, personal experiences, answers and solutions.

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1  India(35.4%)
2  United States(12.1%)
3  Germany(9.4%)

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