UPU万国邮政联盟官网 upu.int 详细资料

UPU万国邮政联盟官网 upu.int

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UPU万国邮政联盟是商定国际邮政事务的政府间国际组织,自1978年7月1日起成为联合国一个关于国际邮政事务的专门机构,总部设在瑞士首都伯尔尼,宗旨是促进、组织和改善国际邮政业务,并向成员提供可能的邮政技术援助。万国邮政联盟(UniversalPostalUnion--UPU)简称“万国邮联”或“邮联”,其宗旨是组织和改善国际邮政业务,发展邮政方面的国际合作,以及在力所能及的范围内给予会员国所要求的邮政技术援助。随着社会、经济和科学技术的不断发展,用户对邮政的要求越来越高,传统邮政面临着互联网、电子邮件等新一代通信方式的挑战。挑战同时也给邮政提供了发展的机遇,各国邮政部门正采取措施,努力适应环境变化,不断开发新的服务项目和产品,同时改善邮政服务的时效和质量,吸引顾客,开拓市场。万国邮政联盟致力于文化、社会和经济领域的国际合作,向成员国提供技术帮助。规定一系列适用于整个国标邮政服务的标准和详细规范。例如,信封尺寸、账目单位、标签、表格、重量极限、以及印刷品和包裹尺寸、技术术语等。UPU保存有与国际邮政服务有关的书籍和档案。Established in 1874, the Universal Postal Union (UPU), with its headquarters in the Swiss capital Berne, is the second oldest international organization worldwide.With its 192 member countries, the UPU is the primary forum for cooperation between postal sector players. It helps to ensure a truly universal network of up-to-date products and services.In this way, the organization fulfils an advisory, mediating and liaison role, and provides technical assistance where needed. It sets the rules for international mail exchanges and makes recommendations to stimulate growth in mail,parcel and financial services volumes and improve quality of service for customers.

内容提要:Welcome to the public Website of the Universal Postal Union (UPU), the United Nations specialized agency for the postal sector....


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4  India(7.2%)
5  Germany(5.9%)

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