巴斯城历史档案数据库 batharchives.co.uk 详细资料

巴斯城历史档案数据库 batharchives.co.uk

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巴斯城历史档案数据库是英国档案局创办的在线巴斯城历史数据库网站,提供巴斯城的家庭历史学、建筑物历史数据、旧地图和照片等数据资料。巴斯城位于英国科茨沃尔丘陵的南部,处在群山环绕的圆形凹地中,面积28平方千米,是英国西部的著名旅游胜地。美丽的埃文河缓缓流经巴斯城,横跨河上的是巴斯城有名的普尔特尼三拱桥,该桥建于1769-1774年,颇具意大利风情,是巴斯城标志性景观之一。巴斯在英文中的意思是洗浴的意思。Bath Record Officecollects and keeps safe historical records relating to Bath,and we make them available for research to all who wish to use them.In our strongroomswe haveoverthree kilometresof shelving, filled with records datingfrom the 12th century to the present day.To find out about the records we hold,follow this link.We welcome all who wish to use this wonderful resource, and we are happy to give you help and advice with your research, whatever its nature -academic, family, house, or local history, or just general interest in Bath's past. Followthis linkto find out how to visit the Record Office.


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