英国金融服务监管局官网 fsa.gov.uk 详细资料

英国金融服务监管局官网 fsa.gov.uk

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英国金融服务监管局是英国金融市场统一的监管机构,行使法定职责,直接向财政部负责。由证券投资委员会改制而成,为独立的非政府组织。对金融服务行业进行监管。保持高效、有序、廉洁的金融市场。帮助中小消费者取得公平交易机会;维护英国金融市场及业界信心;促进公众对金融制度的理解,了解不同类型投资和金融交易的利益和风险;确保业者有适当经营能力及财务结构健全,以保护投资者;同时,教育投资者正确认识投资风险。监督、防范和打击金融犯罪。英国是目前世界上金融服务Zhui完善、Zhui健全的国家,并且通过金融服务监管局对()对所有在其境内注册的金融服务机构进行严格的监管。目前接受监管的公司有几百家,但是有资质做外汇黄金投资的,只有数家。The Financial Services Authority () is an independent non-governmental body, given statutory powers by the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. We are a company limited by guarantee and financed by the financial services industry. The Board sets our overall policy, but day-to-day decisions and management of the staff are the responsibility of the Executive Committee.We are accountable to Treasury Ministers and, through them, Parliament. We are operationally independent of government and are funded entirely by the firms we regulate. We are an open and transparent organisation and provide full information for firms, consumers and others about our objectives, plans, policies and rules, including through this website.


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1  United Kingdom(38.9%)

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