代办事项邮件应用工具 mailboxapp.com 详细资料

代办事项邮件应用工具 mailboxapp.com

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代办事项邮件应用工具是一个结合了待办事项概念的邮件处理软件,使用者可以透过手势决定如何处理每一封 E-mail,极大的方便了移动设备的办公处理邮件。除了回信、转发等一般 E-mail 程式要有的功能之外,使用者在 Mailbox 上将手指向右滑,可将 E-mail 封存(会出现“打勾”的记号),向右滑动幅度再大一点,可将它删除(会出现“打叉”的记号)。因为Mailbox要在左右滑动之间同时兼顾“封存”、“删除”和“稍后处理”这三大功能,我们对于前两项“封存”和“删除”都是向右滑动有疑虑,万一使用者向右滑得太多而将 E-mail 删除了怎么办?或许向右滑动是“封存”,向右滑到底进入“代办选项”,向左滑动代表删除会更好一些。What began with an observation — that people used email as a (terrible) to-do list — evolved into Orchestra To-do, the App Store’s 2011 Productivity App of the Year.But no matter how much we used Orchestra, people kept sending us tasks via email. And one day it dawned on us: rather than moving these tasks somewhere else, what if we transformed the inbox where they already live?We’ve come to believe email is here to stay. And while we can't get away from it, we can change how we interact with it. We can put email in its place.That’s where Mailbox comes in. We’re creating a mobile-first email experience from the ground up — challenging assumptions about how email works and redesigning the inbox for a world on the go.We’re taking the very best experiences from the apps we use everyday and applying them to this archaic medium. It’s a new way of looking at your email, but when you use Mailbox for the first time, we believe you’ll say “of course.”


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1  United States(12.5%)
2  Turkey(2.0%)
3  Russia(1.1%)

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