免费世界语言实践平台 wespeke.com 详细资料

免费世界语言实践平台 wespeke.com

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免费世界语言实践平台是一个可以通过观看视频来锻炼口语的语言交流学习网站,用户可以与真实的世界各地的用户进行视频交流,面对面交谈来锻炼口语,提高语言能力,并且可以双向交流来学习对方的母语。网站成立于2010年,有卡内基梅隆大学的语言技术研究所创办,该团队汇集了语言学习心得、教学方法、语言技术、人机交互等互联网技术,把这些技术融合在一起进而创办了这个语言平台。登录该平台后会出现从1到5的不同语言水平,你可以从初学者开始学习,慢慢的提高到五级,人机交互的方式可以很好的激发你的学习兴趣,帮助你更快的掌握语言知识点,只要你具备了初级的语言沟通能力你就可以搜索相关的用户来进行视频交流,只要他们在线你就可以进行视频、音频、文字聊天。Everyone has a story to tell. Everyone is unique. Everyone wants to love and be loved. Everyone who wants to learn is willing to teach. As the Internet continues to grow, the world is becoming a much smaller place to pursue your true personal and professional interests.Our aim is to make language education engaging, fun and motivating by scaling a disruptive model for language education and cultural exchange. We are combining social networking, crowd-sourcing, Voice and Video over IP, content and matching technology to allow anyone, anywhere at any time to teach, learn and practice languages and exchange cultures – for free! was founded in 2010 by Michael Elchik, an entrepreneur's entrepreneur, and Dr. Jaime Carbonell, Director of the Language Technologies Instituteat Carnegie Mellon University. Our team brings together both depth and breadth in language acquisition, pedagogy, language technology, human computer interaction, Internet technologies and extensive early-stage international business experience.


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  Egypt(20.9%)
2  Mexico(13.6%)
3  United States(9.5%)
4  Netherlands(5.0%)
5  India(4.3%)

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网站常用标签 wespeke wespeak we speke we speak native speaker online

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