在线城市导航图打印分享平台 详细资料


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在线城市导航图打印分享平台是一个可以把旅游城市中的导航地图制作并打印出来分享给其他用户的网站,把你去过的地方,哪里有餐厅、商店、娱乐场所、哪里景色优美都可以详细的标注在地图上,告诉你的朋友,让他们参考你的旅行路线去游玩。自助旅游是现在风靡全球的一项旅游活动,跨上背包,定制好旅游路线就可以出法了,想去哪里就去哪里,当你完成了一次旅行后就会有很多收获的心得,那么你就可以使用Jauntful工具在地图上把自己去过的地方标注出来,并附上文字介绍每个地方的特色,是否值得去,哪里有美食、哪里景色Zhui美。标注在地图上景点就可以让更多的人沿着你的路线去游览。平台通过谷歌地图来完成所有的功能设置,用户标注后的地图都是基于谷歌地图来完成的,需要下载地图并打印的用户可以先预览作者的旅行路线,然后只要是自己喜欢的路线就可以通过打印机把这个标注好的路线地图打印出来作为出行参考了。The way we share travel tips is disjointed and impersonal. Existing services emphasize the interests of the creator, rather than the recipient-- the person actually using the tips. Jauntful changes that.Jauntful helps you create and share personal printable guides of your favorite travel tips—restaurants, activities, personal notes—anything your friends should know about the cities you love.Just enter the venues and any personal notes you like, and we’ll create a beautiful guide they can print and carry in their pocket or use on any device.You’ll receive updates when someone uses your tip and whether or not they liked it, so you can keep up with their travels.Create a guide for friends vacationing where you used to live, leave neighborhood tips for houseguests, or make sure your parents know where to go when they come to visit. Make sure everyone has a good trip by creating a travel guide just for them.

内容提要:Jauntful helps you create shareable printable guides of your favorite travel tips for the cities you love. Susan and William Brinson at the House of ...


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