企业员工礼券福利服务网 详细资料


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企业员工礼券福利服务网是一个由美国纽约公司开发为为企业提供了通过奖励礼券来激励员工节约公司差旅开支的服务。该平台的模式便是给为公司节省了差旅开销的员工以相应的奖励。并且为公司生成表格,实时展示公司的差旅开支情况,以及节省的费用。每个公司都总有那么几个员工每当出差的时候,便用公费订全价机票,住豪华旅馆;久而久之,所有员工都会一定程度上的受到这样风气的影响。如果公司小还好,只要公司达到一定规模,需要出差的员工增多,公司便会吃不消。要出差的员工只需在 Rocketrip 上选定出差线路后,Rocketrip 便会根据公司的差旅标准,以及目前交通与宾馆的平均市场价格生成预算。接着员工可以自己去订交通工具和旅馆,Zhui后将收据传给 Rocketrip 的邮箱,其中员工实际产生的差旅费用比 Rocketrip 算法生成的预算低的部分便算此次出差节约的金额。然后,Rocketrip 会根据员工节省的金额返给其点数,员工可以根据点数兑换现金和礼品代金券。As your organization grows, managing T&E costs becomes increasingly critical. Rocketrip enlists your employees as engaged partners in managing your company travel expenses.The "spend money as if it were your own" mantra weakens as employee headcount grows and corporate culture sets in. By providing employees with appropriate incentives, the Rocketrip platform helps reduce cost and improves employee culture.Smart algorithms calculate price limits based on fair market prices in real time and employees are rewarded for “beating" our limits. Rocketrip provides a suite of advanced reporting capabilities and powers redemption directly with your employees.

内容提要: Reduce travel spend by rewarding employees for saving. REQUEST DEMO“I absolutely love Rocketrip. It’s easy and user friendly, and the reward ...


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1  United States(55.8%)
2  Ireland(16.7%)

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物理位置:美国 华盛顿州西雅图市亚马逊(Amazon)公司数据中心
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