瑞士嘉能可集团官网 glencorexstrata.com 详细资料

瑞士嘉能可集团官网 glencorexstrata.com

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瑞士嘉能可集团是世界五百强企业之一,是全球大宗商品交易巨头之一,总部设于瑞士巴尔,是全球范围领先的商品的生产商和经营商。嘉能可国际公司(GlencoreInternational AG) 成立于1974年,由亿万富翁马克·里奇(Marc Rich)创办;嘉能可成立初主要从事于黑色金属和有色金属的实物营销,其后不久扩展到矿物、原油及石油产品等领域。在20世纪80年代初期,嘉能可建立粮食收购荷兰贸易公司,并组建了基础农产品企业集团。后来涉足煤炭等能源产品。嘉能可经营范围覆盖生产、采购、加工、冶炼、运输、储存、融资、金属和矿产品、能源产品和农产品的供应。目前嘉能可的全球市场运营部在40多个国家设有50多个办事处,雇员超过2000人;工业运营部在13个国家开设15家工厂,雇员超50000人。2010年营业额为1450亿美元。总资产798亿美元, 2010年12月31日嘉能可股东总资金是196亿美元。嘉能可公司客户遍布全球,并涉足行业极为广泛,如汽车、石油、电力、钢的生产和食品加工。Glencore Xstrata is one of the world’s largest global diversified natural resource companies and is one of the biggest companies within the FTSE 100 Index. The Group’s industrial and marketing activities are supported by a global network of more than 90 offices located in over 50 countries. Our diversified operations comprise of over 150 mining and metallurgical sites, offshore oil production assets, farms and agricultural facilities. We employ approximately 190,000 people, including contractors.The combination of a leading integrated producer and marketer of commodities with a leading portfolio of industrial assets enables us to capture value at every stage of the supply chain from sourcing raw materials deep underground to delivering products to an international customer base.


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