儿童电脑硬件组装开发平台 kano.me 详细资料

儿童电脑硬件组装开发平台 kano.me

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儿童电脑硬件组装开发平台是一个让孩子们自定义组装的电脑硬件套件开发平台,所有加的电脑组件都是像拼积木一样搭建起来的,在 Kickstarter 上已经筹资超过 100 万美元。儿童组装电脑,一个简易的手动拼装电脑,Kano 售价 119 美元,是一个可以让孩子们自己拼装的电脑套件,包括了一个 8GB 的 SD 卡、DIY 小喇叭、小键盘等,小主机组装好之后可以连接到显示屏后,孩子还可以学习如何简单地编写贪吃蛇等小游戏,操作系统 Kano OS 的界面就是为孩子们量身定做的。整个产品非常适合 8 到 14 岁的一些对电脑有浓厚兴趣的孩子。“For young people, you need to make things tangible. You need to feel with your hands the CPU warm up, see the lights turn on, hear the speakers — or this computer science doesn’t feel real. We need to expand beyond the screen.”So said Alex Klein, co-founder ofKano, Kickstarter’s latest hit project. Kano is a $99 kit (well, now $119 with worldwide shipping) that helps kids build and customize a small computer for coding projects like Pong, Snake and Minecraft. The London-based project has brought in nearly $1 million in preorders and support via Kickstarter, easily exceeding its $100,000 goal within a couple of days.Kano is preloaded with software and a kid-friendly interface, accompanied by a keyboard built for coding and gaming, and runs on Raspberry Pi, the nonprofit credit-card-sized computer aimed at kids.The project plays into the growing movement to teach computer science, which includes Code.org and its Hour of Code (which is next week), Girls Who Code, Udacity and many more efforts.“Using a computer is very different from expressing yourself with computing, and that’s something we’ve sort of locked away,” Klein said.The peop


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1  United States(31.8%)
2  United Kingdom(13.8%)
3  Spain(5.6%)
4  France(4.8%)
5  India(4.4%)

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网站常用标签 kano kano computer kano computer kit kano os kano kit

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