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安卓电子书阅读应用 aldiko.com

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安卓电子书阅读应用是一个成立于2009年的数字化电子书阅读应用工具,同时也是一个提供海量电子书籍资源的电子书库,并且支持中文版,并内置了书仓,从制作、转换、存储、下载阅读功能全支持。阅读器可以浏览包括畅销书,新版本和经典(其中很多为免费)巨大的电子图书目录或导入您自己的ePub和PDF文件。舒适,可定制的阅读体验(字体类型,颜色,边缘,夜间模式等),书签,全文搜索。阅读器支持在线云端书柜,这就意味着中文aldiko不要再麻烦的下载epub到电脑,然后拷贝到手机中阅读了,直接通过手机上的aldiko软件,就能浏览、下载自己、或者别人分享的电子书报。目前,书仓上用户制作、分享的内容资源以过15000余本,这个数字还在每天增加,内容上从古典小说到流行的网络文学、从学术专著到考试资料、从长篇巨著到诗歌散文,从书籍到报刊文章,应有尽有。Seamlessly browse and download thousands of books to your smartphones or tablets right from the app. No computer, no cable, no subscription. Tens of thousands of titles available for free.Explore:Browse extensive book catalogs, from new releases, best-selliers to classics.Discover:View what're featured on the online book catalogs, read detailed description and online reviews before you download.Search:Quickly find the book that you are looking for with our powerful search tool.Comfortable reading experience with full screen view. Rich color, crisp and sharp text make reading a pleasure. Turning pages by using intuitive swipe or tap gestures, or using the hardware volume keys.Fully customizable:Personalize your reading experience. Adjust font size, font type, font and background colors, margin, alignment as well as line spacing to best suit your preference.Brightness:Adjust the brightness of your device's display by sliding your finger along the left edge of the touch display.Night time reading:Easily switch to night mode when reading in low-luminosity a


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