家具开源图纸DIY订购平台 opendesk.cc 详细资料

家具开源图纸DIY订购平台 opendesk.cc

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家具开源图纸DIY订购平台是一家通过家具图纸来自定义家居订购的网站, 不仅可以让用户自己下载图样制作,还能让拥有数控机床的制作厂协助制作部件,Zhui后由自己进行装配。 由Joni & David Steiner两兄弟与 Development 00 联手创办,是首个与FabHub网站兼容的项目,后者可让用户搜索附近地区的制造商。你还能通过ShopBot找到某人为你切割部件然后送到你的住所或者办公室。开源的设计图纸可免费以.dwg 和.dxf 等数控机床能识别的格式进行下载。你还可以下载开源家具的 PDF 说明文件,尝试自己动手去做家具。目前该网站上有不少设计精良,造型不错的桌子、凳子等家具的设计模型供用户免费下载。在下载前,用户还能查看到设计师以及该模型的 3D 示例图等相关信息。在用户顺利制作出满意的家具后,还能在其社区与其他用户分享制作过程中遇到的事情。 is about local making. What's available to you — what you can make and what you can have made — depends on where you are and how much you want to get involved in the making process.All the designs are available as digital downloads. These digital files are fed into a CNC machine, which produces raw sawn pieces of wood. These are finished by hand, a process that can involve oiling, sanding, polishing and small parts. The finished pieces can then be assembled by hand on location.How much of this process you want to do is entirely up to you. If you're a professional maker with, or with access to, materials and a CNC machine, you can download and make the product from scratch yourself. If you're comfortable working with raw wood and have the necessary equipment and small parts (like glue and screws of castors), you can buy s in "Sawn" form and finish them yourself.If you're not a carpenter but you can assemble furniture yourself, you can buy "Flatpack", IKEA style. This me


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网站常用标签 digital fabrication opendesk open source furniture atfab cnc furniture

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