免费3D绘画资源网 matt-kohr.squarespace.com 详细资料

免费3D绘画资源网 matt-kohr.squarespace.com

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免费3D绘画资源网是一个提供免费数字绘画资源的网站,致力于基础的数字绘画视频教程,提供数字图书馆,拥有200多个免费的视频教程,让你从基础中学习数字绘画。该网站由 Matt Kohr创办,他是一名出色的3D设计师,毕业于萨凡纳艺术与设计学院,主修漫画;作者是一个自由职业者,同时也是一个狂热的游戏玩家。Ctrl+Paint is a free learning resource dedicated to the basics of digital painting. Each bite-sized video covers a different concept, allowing you to learn complex subjects in manageable increments.This is the Library, where you'll find all of the free Ctrl+Paint videos. If you're a total beginner, try watching the videos in the order they're listed! I've ordered these videos to ease you from traditional techniques into digital ones. If you're looking for a specific topic, or want to build your own curriculum, I invite you to watch them in any order you like! Scroll down to see the whole list, and have fun painting! And if you're looking for the most in-depth material available, make sure to visit the Ctrl+Paint Store.


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1  United States(88.6%)

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2 在线教育课程管理平台 coursetoolkit.com

3 王牌学习教育资源平台 learningace.com

4 美国纽约证券交易所 nyse.nyx.com

5 女孩家居装饰DIY博客网 makelyhome.com

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22 Sankaku复杂动画、漫画和游戏 Sankakucomplex.com

23 斯科特·亚当斯幽默漫画网 Dilbert.com

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25 欢迎来到地球母亲在线 Gaiaonline.com

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