酷品猎手时尚分享社区 icoolhunt.com 详细资料

酷品猎手时尚分享社区 icoolhunt.com

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酷品猎手时尚分享社区是一个可以通过算法让人们掌握Zhui新Zhui酷的时尚潮流,无论你说的Zhui炫Zhui酷的内容是什么,都没有关系。支持移动应用来获取Zhui新的时尚资讯。借助互联网、手机的跨平台效应,借用LBS、手机拍照成像软件的不断发展,通过游戏、比赛的方式让用户去发现、挖掘、分享那些很Cool的物品,做“CoolHunt”(酷品猎手)。ICoolHunt.com网站称自己是一个基于社会化媒体的挑战类游戏,让用户基于地理位置发现这个世界的有趣之处,让人们能在接到、酒吧、公园、博物馆、商店,在聚会的时候、K歌的时候、旅游的时候……随时随地的发现那些吸引你眼球的东西,包括科技产品、音乐舞蹈、时尚设计等。简单地看,其实ICoolHunt.com就是一个让用户随时拍照上传的平台。当用户上传一些照片或者说“猎物”后,ICoolHunt网站会对其进行展示,并设计一套投票、积分、奖励体系鼓励和刺激用户更多地参与、发掘更酷的猎物。打开ICoolHunt网站,核心部分首先是一张世界地图,上面展示着其全球用户在各个地方所分享的“猎物”,不同的颜色代表不同的类型,目前ICoolHunt所设定的类型包括科技、音乐、时尚等。在这些“猎物”地图的下方则是Zhui新的、Zhui好的酷品的展示,用户可以打分、投票拉票等,还可以就自己为什么喜欢这些物品展开讨论。ICoolHunt网站将每天评分Zhui高的“猎物”称为“Top Prey”iCoolhunt is a cross-platform geo-social game that lets its users collaboratively identify and track emerging trends on a global scale.A proof of concept of iCoolhunt was launched as an iPhone app in the Spring of 2010 by brothers Luca and Alessio Morena. Luca has a PhD in Philosophy, and his research interests range from ontology to the philosophy of society and technology. Alessio is an experienced web designer and the former CEO of a leading Italian web agency. The first version of iCoolhunt has been featured in numerous international media outlets and has been promoted by Apple as a featured app in the Summer of 2010.

内容提要:iCoolhunt is the first location-based social networking game in the intriguing world of coolhunting. Now it’s you who can determine what’s going to ...


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