世界疫症情报网 详细资料


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世界疫症情报网是一个关注世界各地医疗病情的健康资讯网站,为医生们提供世界范围内的医疗消息、病例、医疗突破、医疗知识等。The ProMed Network is a site for medical and health programming producers to share their shows with other medical professionals, students in the health care fields, and members of the public interested in health related programming. Each of the shows listed on the site is either produced by a medical professional or has been reviewed and is determined to present peer reviewed or medically relevant information.While no program here can be used to provide specific medical advice or diagnoses, it is hoped that the general information presented here will help to provide a high quality source for medical news and content. The ProMed Network and its member podcasts and webcasts will provide a single resource for diverse, independently produced audio and video programs by and for medical and health care professionals.

内容提要 offers a single source where medical professionals and patients can access the most cutting-edge medical news, information and innovations...


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