比利时根特公立大学 ugent.be 详细资料

比利时根特公立大学 ugent.be

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比利时根特公立大学是比利时国内一所综合性著名大学,成立于1817年;该校拥有11所学院,11个系,150个专业。佛兰德区唯一的诺贝尔医学奖获得者就在此大学。根特公立大学学生总数约为20500人,包括1300名来自107个国家的外国学生。其中18000名为一、二年级学生,而包括800名研究人员、500名博士生在内的人则为三年级学生。学术研究人才包括583名独立学术研究员、423名助理研究员和1500名其他研究员。根特市在16世纪是西北欧仅次于巴黎的Zhui强盛的城市,大街小巷都散布着古老的遗迹。每年在此举行的世界著名的弗兰德斯技术展为世人提供了一个观赏弗兰德斯工业与大学生技术发展的机会。根特还是一个音乐和电影节的重要主办城市。大学校园散布于市中心。Founded in 1817 as a Latin-speaking State University by William I, King of the Netherlands, Ghent University is a relatively young university. After its independence in 1830, the Belgian State was in charge of the administration of Ghent University; French was the new official academic language. In 1930 Ghent University became the first Dutch-speaking university in Belgium. The Decree of 1991 assigned great autonomy to the university.Over the years eminent scientists such as Joseph Plateau (physicist, considered as a pioneer in the development of motion pictures), Leo Baekeland (inventor of Bakelite) and Corneel Heymans (Nobel Prize winner in Medicine) studied and worked at Ghent University.With a view to cooperation in research and scientific service, numerous research groups, centres and institutes have been founded over the years. Several of them are renowned worldwide, in various scientific disciplines such as biotechnology, aquaculture, microelectronics, history,...


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1  Belgium(48.0%)
2  China(10.1%)
3  India(4.6%)
4  United States(3.9%)
5  Germany(3.4%)

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