浪漫发型创意设计分享网 hairromance.com 详细资料

浪漫发型创意设计分享网 hairromance.com

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浪漫发型创意设计分享网是一个分享美发发型的网站,爱美是女人的天性,爱生活更爱美发,关注国外Zhui流行的创意发型,教你如何更好的打理你的头发,美女们不要错过。关于这个网站的介绍和创建人的故事可以参考下面的英文介绍:Hi! I’m Christina and welcome to my Hair Romance.There are so many things I love about life, but hair is definitely high on my list. But what else is there, I hear you ask. Very good question. There’s writing lists, of course (there are few things that feel better than ticking a to-do list) but I also love photography, travel, languages, shopping, and of course my amazing husband, Jim (I had to say that because, in spite of having no hair, he reads Hair Romance all the time!).I never used to love my hair, in fact I hated it! My love of hair started the same time I met my husband. I met him and my hairdresser in the same street and two romances that would change my life forever started there.Since then I have had more haircuts than I care to think of, from close-cropped brilliant white with a pink fringe to footballer’s-wife dead straight, long and blonde. The white and pink number was an effort to distract me while I was trying to grow it. When I chose the colour, my hairdresser said ‘no, sweetie, that’s not a colour, that’s clear.’ I did it anyway.Hair Romance was in fact born from having all those haircuts. I had a job in a big company where I became famous for never wearing my hair the same way twice. People would come from other departments, sometimes other floors to look at what I had don


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