今日宇宙新发现新闻网 universetoday.com 详细资料

今日宇宙新发现新闻网 universetoday.com

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.com今日宇宙新发现新闻网是一个致力于分享人类对于宇宙的Zhui新发现、Zhui新探索的新闻网站,爆料很多媒体网站没有发布过的Zhui新新闻,帮助天文学者和爱好者了解国际Zhui新的外太空探索实时新闻。Universe Today是一个非商业的空间和天文新闻网站,成立于1999年,由Fraser Cain和Nancy Atkinson共同创办,其中该网站的论坛创办于2003年,为天文爱好者搭建了一个可以自己交流和发布Zhui新资料的平台。Universe Today (UT) is a non-commercial space and astronomy news site, founded in 1999[3] by Fraser Cain and edited by Nancy Atkinson.The news can then be discussed on the forums. The forum began on 24 July 2003, and was mainly used to discuss the Universe Today news as well as ask space-related questions and discuss alternate theories.[5] In early September 2005, the forum merged with that of Bad Astronomy combined to form the BAUT forum.[6] The website's viewership attains several million people per year.Emily Lakdawalla, of The Planetary Society, said that she relies on Universe Today and Bad Astronomy to "give ... an independent look at big news stories"[9] and that UT plays a key role in space-related journalism, along with other websites such as Space.com. Several peer-reviewed papers have mentioned Universe Today as being a space-related news website.In 2008 the site was briefly banned for about a day from Digg.com, and then unbanned.In March 2011, Businessweek reported that the site had lost 20 percent of its traffic in five days after a change in the page ranking algorithm of Google.[14] In April 2011, the Association of British Science Writers noted that Universe Today decided not to make preparations for reporting on emb

Provides latest astronomy and space exploration news.


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  United States(42.5%)
2  India(8.9%)
3  United Kingdom(6.1%)
4  Australia(4.9%)
5  Canada(3.5%)

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网站常用标签 new horizons mission extended snow white planet bigger zodiac dates diameter of the earth in km diameter of earth

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物理位置:美国 CloudFlare公司CDN节点

1 世界科技新闻门户网 phys.org

2 澳洲科技新闻网 sciencealert.com

3 达摩避风港:恐慌与混乱风暴中的港湾 dharma-haven.org

4 CCTV Information cctv-information.co.uk

5 Digirad固体核成像 digirad.com

6 该公司的车牌识别产品文档OCR arhungary.hu

7 牛郎阅读板分钟 altair-vision.com

8 FooPlot 线上数学函数绘图器 fooplot.com

9 chartgo.com chartgo.com

10 免费打印的数学工作在  dadsworksheets.com

11 单元测量在线转换计算和公式 aqua-calc.com

12 Carnegie Learning carnegielearning.com

13 AAA数学 aaamath.com

14 基础数学 basic-mathematics.com

15 交互式数学杂志和困惑 cut-the-knot.org

16 在praze查尔斯特大学 cuni.cz

17 在线衍生计算器-显示所有步骤! derivative-calculator.net

18 免费的数学教程问题和工作表(与 analyzemath.com

19 数学教学概念分享网 betterexplained.com

20 国际数学问答交流平台 mathoverflow.net

21 在线神奇宝贝卡牌游戏平台 Pokemon.com

22 Sankaku复杂动画、漫画和游戏 Sankakucomplex.com

23 动漫行业新闻资讯网 Animenewsnetwork.com

24 斯科特·亚当斯幽默漫画网 Dilbert.com

25 在线观看动漫英语配音字幕的剧集 Animefreak.tv

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