挪威国家图书馆 nb.no 详细资料

挪威国家图书馆 nb.no

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挪威国家图书馆是挪威中心文化机构,是挪威全国Zhui大的文献中心。建立挪威国家图书馆奥斯陆馆的主要目的是保护国家文献遗产,提供文献存取。挪威国家图书馆(The National Library of Norway)始建于1913年,座落在挪威的首都奥斯陆和北方城镇莫伊拉那。挪威国家图书馆是挪威中心文化机构,是挪威全国Zhui大的文献中心。挪威国家图书馆的任务包括对藏书的保护、保存、开发等几个方面,收集各种材质的各种信息资料是国家图书馆的重要目标。The National Library of Norway has overarching responsibility for planning the operation and development of the library’s activities.Vigdis Moe Skarstein has been National Librarian since 1 December 2003. She is a qualified librarian and has an MA in the History of Literature. Between 1998 and 2003 she was University Director at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and was Chair of Arts Council Norway from 2001 to 2009. She is also Chair of the board of the University of Nordland.

The Library holds unique manuscript collections of Norwegian authors, composers, scientists, and politicians. Outline of collections, online databases.


访问者分布(%) & 网站排名变化曲线
1  Norway(91.5%)
2  United States(2.6%)

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网站常用标签 nasjonalbiblioteket nb bokhylla isbn peer gynt

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物理位置:挪威 教育网

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