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世界建筑作品大全是一个收录历史上Zhui全的建筑物资料网站,收录世界上成千上万的伟大建筑物资料,用户可以通过关键词来搜索想要查找的建筑物内容,包括建筑物图片、图纸、模型等资料。网站其实就是有关于建筑行业的资源库,提供建筑图片外还提供3D模型,图纸、知名建筑师简介、与建筑师相关的设计作品、摄影图片、建筑风格评论等丰富的资源。This gateway to architecture around the world and across history documents a thousand buildings and hundreds of leading architects, selected over ten years by the editors of ArchitectureWeek, with photographic images and architectural drawings, integrated maps and timelines, 3D building models, commentaries, bibliographies, web links, and more, for famous designers and structures of all kinds.For up-to-the-moment coverage of the latest buildings, designers, and ideas, ™ is richly cross-linked with related architecture sites, ArchitectureWeek and Archiplanet, as well as to Wikipedia and to book sources. For the latest coverage of contemporary architecture and design news, go directly to ArchitectureWeek, our professional architecture magazine. For broad information on architecture everywhere, cataloging more than 100,000 special structures and tens of thousands of architects and firms, visit Archiplanet, the all-buildings wiki collaboration.

Documents hundreds of buildings and leading architects across the world with 3D models, photographs and drawings, commentaries, biographies and bibliographies. Searchable.
内容提要:Click the "Refresh" button in your browser to see more buildings above. See all the building thumbnails at the Picture Index...
History and More - ArchitectureWeek Great Buildings


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