1 Casuarina Beach Casuarina Beach (996)
2 Neduntheevu (Delft Island) Neduntheevu (Delft Island) (1014)
3 Anthony's Church Anthony's Church (958)
4 Panadura Beach Panadura Beach (985)
5 Madu River Madu River (973)
6 Kallady Beach Kallady Beach (986)
7 Batticaloa Fort Batticaloa Fort (941)
8 Batticaloa Lighthouse Batticaloa Lighthouse (906)
9 Nilaveli Beach Nilaveli Beach (921)
10 Beruwala Beach Beruwala Beach (941)
11 Borella All Saints Church Borella All Saints Church (962)
12 The Galleries of Sapumal Foundation The Galleries of Sapumal Foundation (926)
13 J.R.Jayewardene Centre J.R.Jayewardene Centre (1049)
14 基督学院 Christ Church (957)
15 Kayman’s Gate Belltower Kayman’s Gate Belltower (955)
16 圣米歇尔教堂 Church of St. Michael & All Angels, Polwatte (908)
17 St. Andrew's Scots Kirk Church St. Andrew's Scots Kirk Church (909)
18 诸圣堂 All Saints Church (987)
19 King Sri Wickrama Rajasinghe Prison Cell King Sri Wickrama Rajasinghe Prison Cell (880)
20 光之塔 The Lighthouse (975)
21 Borella Kanatte Cemetery Borella Kanatte Cemetery (923)
22 Isipathanaramaya Buddhist Temple Isipathanaramaya Buddhist Temple (926)
23 芒特拉维尼亚 Mount Lavinia (968)
24 维勒珀图国家公园 Wilpattu National Park (1133)
25 坦加勒海滩 Tangalle Beach (969)