1 纳塔神庙 Budhanilkantha (951)
2 Temples of the Elements Temples of the Elements (869)
3 Direction Exhibition & Convention Center Direction Exhibition & Convention Center (907)
4 国家植物园 National Botanical Gardens (881)
5 瓦兹拉夭吉尼寺 Vajrayogini Temple (1000)
6 Kotilingeshwar Mahadev Temple (892)
7 Phaba Chengreshi Thangka Art School (897)
8 Itum Bahal (898)
9 加德满都人种学博物馆 Ethnographic Museum (950)
10 北京宾馆 Hotel Beijing (906)
11 Kabindrapur Temple (964)
12 Jaisi Deval Temple (915)
13 蓝毗尼国际研究所 LIRI (924)
14 塔丘帕广场 Tachupal Square (945)
15 陶马迪广场 Taumadhi Square (908)
16 Phusre Khola Gorge (898)
17 瓦拉喜金庙 Varahi Mandir (3321)
18 昌古纳拉扬神庙 Changu Narayan (1660)
19 廓尔喀博物馆 Gurkha Museum (934)
20 尼瓦尔民族故居 Newari houses (885)
21 道拉吉里峰 Dhaulagiri (1826)
22 木斯塘生态博物馆 Mustang Eco Museum (882)
23 Maru Hiti (832)
24 塔木博物馆 Tamu Kohibo Museum (890)
25 Makhan Tole (911)