1 The Gem Museum The Gem Museum (878)
2 Hampshire Falls and Caves (Pwe Kauk) Hampshire Falls and Caves (Pwe Kauk) (862)
3 Peik Chin Myaung Cave Peik Chin Myaung Cave (911)
4 Maymyo Botanical Garden (National Kandawgyi Park) Maymyo Botanical Garden (National Kandawgyi Park) (938)
5 St Matthew's Church St Matthew's Church (957)
6 仰光火车站 Yangon Train Station (982)
7 Bogyoke Aung San Stadium Bogyoke Aung San Stadium (879)
8 庆福宫 Kheng Hock Keong Chinese Temple (943)
9 Naga Cave Paya Naga Cave Paya (969)
10 Armenian Apostolic Church of St. John the Baptist Armenian Apostolic Church of St. John the Baptist (938)
11 Kusinara Pagoda Kusinara Pagoda (891)
12 Kyauk Daw Kyi Kyauk Daw Kyi (962)
13 Chauk Htat Gyi Buddha Chauk Htat Gyi Buddha (974)
14 Maha Aung Mye Bon Zan Monastery Maha Aung Mye Bon Zan Monastery (968)
15 Ice Wonderland Ice Wonderland (944)
16 和平塔 Kaba Aye Paya (973)
17 Myaing Hay Wun Elephant Camp Myaing Hay Wun Elephant Camp (933)
18 Nga Htat Gyi Pagoda Nga Htat Gyi Pagoda (905)
19 White Elephants White Elephants (1024)
20 Kyauktan Kyauktan (944)
21 金色宫殿僧院 Golden Palace Monastery (Shwenandaw Kyaung) (1029)
22 印度末代皇陵 Tomb of Bahadur Shah Zafar (1053)
23 战争纪念碑 Htauk Kyant War Memorial Cemetery (913)
24 伊瓦玛村 Ywama (915)
25 手工艺作坊 (944)