1 Children's Grand Park Children's Grand Park (887)
2 Junsang's house (Location for Winter Sonata) Junsang's house (Location for Winter Sonata) (872)
3 Fireman Fireman (875)
4 The Bungalow The Bungalow (872)
5 Silloam Bulgama Sauna Silloam Bulgama Sauna (899)
6 No Escape No Escape (910)
7 Hi Seoul Festival Hi Seoul Festival (878)
8 弘大乱打剧场 Hongdae NANTA Theatre (968)
9 Janet's Cooking Studio & Seoul Food Tour Janet's Cooking Studio & Seoul Food Tour (902)
10 MySeoulTrip - Seoul Private Tour MySeoulTrip - Seoul Private Tour (921)
11 Korea Culture House (KOUS) Korea Culture House (KOUS) (952)
12 崇实大学 Sungsil University (1026)
13 枫岩水池 Pungam Reservoir (862)
14 务安生态泥滩中心 Man Ecology Mud Flat Center (868)
15 国债报偿运动纪念公园 Gukchaebosang Memorial Park (840)
16 光州设计中心 Gwangju Design Center (901)
17 南道乡土饮食博物馆 Namdo Folk Food Exhibition Room (893)
18 金凤镐家屋 Kim Bongho's House (835)
19 光州松汀站市场 1913 Songjeong Market (931)
20 月峯书院 Wolbongseowon (871)
21 光州湖湖水生态园 Gwangjuho Lake Eco Park (840)
22 智勇迷宫-束草馆 Alive museum-Sokcho Alive Heart (897)
23 禹济吉美术館 WooJaeGil Art Museum (816)
24 Gwangju Folk Museum (864)
25 Ieyoung Contemporary Museum Ieyoung Contemporary Museum (789)