Vila de Bibiri Bibiri village  详细信息
位置:巴西>圣保罗州>>> 热度(644)     评分(0)

Vila de Bibiri Bibiri village


提示:地址:Acesso pela BR-367 (direo Arauaí), Km 587


1 Biribiri State Park Biribiri State Park (624)

2 Tres Torres Museum Tres Torres Museum (637)

3 Parque Estadual de Itapeva Itapeva State Park (613)

4 Serenade Museum Cultural House of Small Arts Serenade Museum Cultural House of Small Arts (653)

5 Catedral N S do Carmo N S do Carmo Cathedral (664)

6 Celso Galvao Museum Celso Galvao Museum (652)

7 Praia de Itaracuera Itaracuera Beach (687)

8 Caruaru City Memorial Caruaru City Memorial (627)

9 Parque Estadual do Pico do Itambé Itambe Peak State Park (662)

10 Cordel Museum Olegario Fernandes Cordel Museum Olegario Fernandes (621)

11 University of the Southeasy of Bahia Teaching Museum University of the Southeasy of Bahia Teaching Museum (609)

12 Cajaiba Museum Cajaiba Museum (653)

13 Basílica de So Pedro dos Clérigos Sao Pedro dos Clerigos Cathedral (663)

14 Gruta da Lapa Lapa cave (643)

15 Casa da Providencia Museum Casa da Providencia Museum (643)

16 Catedral Basílica da Sé Catedral Basilica da Se (735)

17 Igreja So Francisco de Assis Sao Francisco de Assis Church (613)

18 Mariana Music Museum Mariana Music Museum (609)

19 Toquinho beach Toquinho beach (640)

20 Museum of Carmo Museum of Carmo (670)

21 Museu da Família Pompeu Family Pompeu museum (626)

22 Campina Grande Lynaldo Cavalcanti Science Museum Campina Grande Lynaldo Cavalcanti Science Museum (648)

23 Igreja Matriz N S do Rosário Our Lady of Rosario church (598)

24 Interativo do Semiarido Museum Interativo do Semiarido Museum (634)

25 Cachoeiras do Lázaro e de Santa Maria Lazaro and Santa Maria waterfall (666)

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