1 感官的飨宴 Feast for the Senses (661)
2 歌剧院到植物园步行路线 The Opera House to the Botanic Gardens Walk (759)
3 玫瑰湾至尼尔森公园漫步 Rose Bay to Nielsen Park Walk (680)
4 Sydney Transport Museum Sydney Transport Museum (702)
5 新市镇 Newtown (700)
6 Melba Gully National Park Melba Gully National Park (686)
7 Silverband Falls Silverband Falls (625)
8 Cygnet Living History Museum Cygnet Living History Museum (653)
9 Wyong Swimming Pool Wyong Swimming Pool (705)
10 纳鲁马 Narooma (635)
11 洛恩海滩 Lorne Beach (721)
12 乔弗瑞瀑布 Joffre Falls (730)
13 吉朗植物园 Geelong Botanical Gardens (746)
14 吉朗彩绘木偶 Geelong Baywall Bollards (755)
15 戴尔斯峡谷 Dales Gorge (677)
16 吉朗东部海滩 Eastern Beach (725)
17 保罗的野生动物保护区 Paul's Place Wildlife Sanctuary (660)
18 juniper小屋 juniper hall (671)
19 麦夸里灯塔 Macquarie Lighthouse (660)
20 澳新军团纪念馆 ANZAC War Memorial (755)
21 克拉克斯角保护区 Clarkes Point Reserve (668)
22 厄斯金瀑布 Erskine Falls (759)
23 Queens Park Queens Park (683)
24 交通工具革新博物馆 Revolutions Transport Museum (702)
25 班伯里灯塔海滩 Lighthouse Beach (673)