澳宝(Opal)是澳大利亚才有的宝石。在其他地方很难看到,所以特别。 博物馆面积不大,是一座私人博物馆兼珠宝商店。共有4个展厅,免费参观。走进去,馆主会很专业地向你介绍澳宝的种类和鉴定方法。并有约10多分钟的澳宝专业知识视频介绍(中英文,还有法,日语和西班牙语版)。
1 Glacier Rock Lookout Glacier Rock Lookout (538)
2 威文霍水库 Wivenhoe Dam (543)
3 Tugun Beach Tugun Beach (544)
5 Submariners’ Walk Heritage Trail Submariners’ Walk Heritage Trail (529)
6 Mayes Cottage Museum Mayes Cottage Museum (546)
8 亨利海滩 Henley Beach (538)
9 National Arboretum National Arboretum (540)
10 Mueller Park Children's Playground Mueller Park Children's Playground (569)
11 国会大厦 Queensland Parliament (567)
12 Boggo Road Gaol Boggo Road Gaol (540)
13 Mount Pleasant Lookout Mount Pleasant Lookout (561)
14 WACA Ground WACA Ground (539)
15 皇家铸币厂 Royal Australian Mint (603)
16 The Cultural Place The Cultural Place (539)
17 Currumbin Rock Pools Currumbin Rock Pools (553)
18 珀斯体育场 Perth Arena (559)
19 斯哥尔德体育场 Cbus Super Stadium (630)
20 The Wax Museum The Wax Museum (542)
21 ISKCON Adelaide ISKCON Adelaide (533)
22 Surf World Gold Coast Surf World Gold Coast (551)
23 Gold Coast War Museum Gold Coast War Museum (534)
24 National Archives of Australia National Archives of Australia (540)
25 D’Aguilar National Park D’Aguilar National Park (564)