1 Burren Heritage Centre Burren Heritage Centre (846)
2 Castle Gardens Castle Gardens (845)
3 Irish Linen Centre and Lisburn Museum Irish Linen Centre and Lisburn Museum (843)
4 Ballincollig Castle Ballincollig Castle (1053)
5 The Library Project The Library Project (899)
6 贝尔法斯特城市墓地 Belfast City Cemetery (780)
7 Colin Glen Library Colin Glen Library (793)
8 Dundonald Library Dundonald Library (754)
9 曝光贝尔法斯特 Belfast Exposed (758)
10 金线画廊 Golden Thread Gallery (718)
11 Catalyst Arts画廊 Catalyst Arts Gallery (759)
12 圣克伦布大教堂 St. Columb's Cathedral (775)
13 乔伊斯故居 James Joyce house (942)
14 Assaroe瀑布 Assaroe Falls (874)
15 Kylemore教堂和维多利亚庄园 Kylemore Abbey and Victorian Walled Gardens (954)
16 Teeling Whiskey Distillery (891)
17 Doolin Cave (907)
18 Casino Marino (1026)
19 Butlers Chocolate Experience Butlers Chocolate Experience (969)
20 奥康奈尔纪念碑 The O'Connell Monument (1337)
21 谢恩城堡 (836)
22 克罗克公园 Croke Park Stadium Tour & GAA Museum (959)
23 亨利街 Henry Street (897)
24 都柏林理工学院 Dublin Institute of Technology (870)
25 都柏林海湾 Dublin Bay (887)