Eyre广场是市中心东部地区的中心。中间布满绿地,广场上有肯尼迪公园,因1963年肯尼迪来访此地而得名;有生于戈尔韦、颇有争议的作家Padraic O’Conaire的雕塑;有建于1320年的圣尼古拉教堂;有一门引人注目的加农炮;还有几座有趣的陵墓。
1 Everyman剧院 The Everyman (1081)
2 金塞尔 Kinsale (943)
3 Killarney National Park Killarney National Park (898)
4 The Abbey The Abbey (913)
5 McCarthy's Castle McCarthy's Castle (973)
6 The Harbour Museum The Harbour Museum (948)
7 The Bloody Sunday Centre The Bloody Sunday Centre (926)
8 The Masonic Hall The Masonic Hall (928)
9 索尔特希尔散步大道 Salthill Promenade (930)
10 Donegal County Museum Donegal County Museum (915)
11 Kenmare Public Library Kenmare Public Library (885)
12 Killaha Tower Killaha Tower (893)
13 凯里县博物馆 Kerry County Museum (903)
14 戈尔韦城市博物馆 Galway City Museum (914)
15 Connemara National Park Connemara National Park (971)
16 Galway Arts Centre Galway Arts Centre (933)
17 Lackagh Museum and Heritage Centre Lackagh Museum and Heritage Centre (999)
18 The Galway Fisheries Watchtower Museum The Galway Fisheries Watchtower Museum (904)
19 Amelia Earhart Centre Amelia Earhart Centre (858)
20 戈尔韦大教堂 Galway Cathedral (936)
21 Slieve Patrick Statue Slieve Patrick Statue (914)
22 O'Doherty's Keep & Buncrana Castle O'Doherty's Keep & Buncrana Castle (853)
23 Mayo Memorial Peace Park Mayo Memorial Peace Park (839)
24 County Mayo Library County Mayo Library (826)
25 Mount Congreve House and Gardens Mount Congreve House and Gardens (774)