Monument to Pioneers of the North Monument to Pioneers of the North  详细信息
位置:俄罗斯>西北部联邦管区>乌赫塔景点>> 热度(710)     评分(0)

Monument to Pioneers of the North Monument to Pioneers of the North




1 布拉戈维申斯克市地质博物馆 (785)

2 布拉戈维申斯克市政厅 俄罗斯语 (727)

3 铁路技术历史博物馆 History Museum of railway technics (696)

4 顿河修道院 Donskoy monastery (787)

5 莫斯科屠格涅夫博物馆 the Museum of I. S. Turgenev (710)

6 陀思妥耶夫斯基故居博物馆 Museum-apartment of Dostoevsky (718)

7 托尔斯泰故居庄园博物馆 The Memorial Museum-estate of L. N. Tolstoy "Khamovniki" (738)

8 钻石基金会 Diamond Fund Exhibition (709)

9 老爷车博物馆 Museum of Vintage automobile (699)

10 Smolny Historical and Memorial Museum Smolny Historical and Memorial Museum (672)

11 基里尔洛夫男子修道院 Kirillov Monastery (664)

12 雅罗夫斯拉尔市历史博物馆 Museum of the History of Yaroslavl (666)

13 圣尼古拉斯大教堂(诺夫哥罗德) Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Novgord (668)

14 诺夫哥罗德州博物馆 Novgorod state regional Museum (663)

15 诺夫哥罗德木建筑博物馆 The Museum of folk wooden architecture in Novgorod (664)

16 诺夫哥罗德克里姆林 Novgorod Kremlin (673)

17 伊尔库茨克火车主题公园 Toy railway (665)

18 鲍尔康斯基故居 House-museum of C. K. Volkonsky (720)

19 高尔基纪念碑 the Bust of M. Gorky (674)

20 马马耶夫岗 Mamayev Kurgan (705)

21 下诺夫哥罗德摄影博物馆 The State Russian museum of photography (711)

22 下诺夫哥罗德州美术馆 Nizhny Novgorod State Art Museum (671)

23 下诺夫哥罗德克里姆林 Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin (744)

24 沃尔科夫剧院 Russian academic drama theatre named F. Volkov (681)

25 Military History Gallery "Military Thought" Military History Gallery "Military Thought" (681)

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